G by Gabrielle
G by Gabrielle
G by Gabrielle
G by Gabrielle
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G by Gabrielle

Children's Party Workshops

G by Gabrielle is so excited to now be sharing our creativity and skills through children's jewellery workshops, with G Cubs. At G by Gabrielle we feel so strongly about nurturing and developing the creativity of children, to ensure that special talents and interests are not lost at a young age.

Connection through creativity, to keep the child 'alive'

A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.


Our values we love to live by, and want all children to live by:

  • Honesty
  • Freedom
  • Fun
  • Creativity
  • True self
  • Creative Thinking

Our Mission

To ensure the creativity of children, and the true spirit of who they really are is developed and nurtured, not lost as they grow. Our workshops provide not only an outlet for creativity, but an opportunity to explore strengths, a way for building self confidence and grow creativity and innovation.

Gabrielle, G by Gabrielle

'As a little girl I was always making arts and craft, friendship beads and bands, candles, magnets anything really and I even had my own stall at the local markets. At some point I guess the more traditional education got in the way, and that creativity and entrepreneurial flair was lost.'

Through the workshops G by Gabrielle hopes to explore the creativity of children of all ages, and share our passion in the hope to develop their creative minds.

G Cubs Jewellery Workshops are a great idea for birthday party activities at the same time providing children the opportunity to create and develop their fine motor skills, while also learning the skills of co-operation and communication within a group setting.

G Cub Workshops

G Cubs have created several workshop ages groups, however all ages can be accommodated, simply send us an email to customise your workshop for your little ones birthday!

  • 5-7 years
  • 8-11 years
  • 12-14 years
  • 15+ years

Both workshop selections are for a 2 hour period, giving children plenty of time to create and finish their pieces. G Cub Workshops will provide all necessary materials for the activities.

We ask the use of your dining table without chairs, as this provides more freedom for the children while working on their projects.

For the Polymer Clay workshop, an oven is required for approximately 25 minutes to cook the creations! All trays will be provided by G Cubs

Polymer Clay Workshops

In the Polymer Clay Workshop, children are able actually make their own beads to create their own piece of jewellery such as a necklace or earrings.

Beaded Jewellery Workshops

The G Cub Beaded Jewellery Workshops will involve children having the opportunity to create several pieces of beaded jewellery from semi precious stone, glass, resin and wooden beads.

Send an email gbygabriellecreatives@gmail.com.
Workshops are coming soon!

So for something different and creative for your next children's birthday party contact G by Gabrielle now for more information or to book!

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Copyright 2025 G by Gabrielle